B-Complex with Spirulina 8oz

from $35.00

B-Complex with Spirulina boosts energy, metabolism, and immunity by offering the full spectrum of all eight B-vitamins, extracted from natural, non-fortified, non-GMO, gluten-free, nutritional yeast and pure, high-quality spirulina.

Suggested Use: 1 teaspoon daily in 4-6 ounces of water up to three times daily following meals.

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B-vitamins are responsible for supporting the integrity of multiple biochemical reactions throughout the body involved in maintaining proper DNA repair, energy production, focus, memory, immunity, metabolism as well as cellular rejuvenation of hair, skin, and nails. Since B vitamins are water-soluble, they must be replenished regularly to help the body neutralize the detrimental effects of chronic stress, including fatigue, irritability, and digestive strain by helping support balanced hormone production.

The addition of the blue-green algae superfood spirulina offers additional vitamins, minerals, amino acids, anti-oxidants, and chlorophyll. Spirulina can help support the body in cleansing the liver, detoxing heavy metals, and boosting energy and memory.